Monday, August 27, 2007

Sick Day/Mental Health Day

Today I took a sick day. I was truly sick this morning, but later in the day it turned more into a mental health day. I have been off my meds (anti-depressant/anti-anxiety) for more than a week and my head seriously feels like it's going to explode. Today's blog will probably be a little depressing due to this. I will try to leave you with a funny little story though.

So this is not the funny story, but it is one of those strange things that just seems to happen to me. Samir called tonight to check in on me. This is the first time he's called since he basically kicked me out of his bed a week and a half ago. To his credit, he was sick and he didn't really kick me out, he just told me that he wasn't feeling well and that he would call me later. I am not looking for a relationship with Samir (for reasons I will go into later) but I made him happy on more than one occassion without anything in return and all I wanted that night was to cuddle. At first I thought it would go that way, but once he woke up and said he'd call me later all I could do is laugh. At least he had the decency to walk me to my car. I met Samir last summer at a club. He kept asking me to get coffee with him and I kept saying no. Eventually his friends left him and so I offered to drive him home. We smoked some and spent the night together. I didn't get his number and wasn't really worried about seeing him again. But 2 weeks later I was out with the same group of people and his friend told me how Samir was asking about me and wanted my number. So I gave my number to Samir's friend and didn't expect to hear from him for a few days. But that night he called me while I was on my way home. He said he missed me and he really wanted to see me. My dumb ass melted at "I've missed you" and agreed to go see him. God I'm such a pushover. Anyway, I drove to his place and history repeated itself. A week or 2 later I saw him at the same club we met at. He ignored me all night and danced with every nasty ass girl in the place. I felt so used. I was so upset that I drank way too many dirty martinis and proceded to get sick at every place my poor friend Kate stopped at on the way back to her boy toy's place. Kate's a funny story herself and one time I will explain why we stopped in so many places that night. Anyway, I deleted Samir's number from my phone and thought it would be the end of him. But when an unknown number kept calling me and I figured out it was him I decided I would hear him out. Turns out the reason that he ignored me that night was because his brother-in-law was there and he didn't want him to know we were hooking up. Yep - that's brother-in-law as in his wife's sister. The uncle of Samir's 2 children. That's hot, right? I thought maybe he was married for citizenship but found out the first time we re-hooked up that his wife was in his home country and he has 2 kids. It didn't stop me from going back to his place a second time in hopes of getting some of my own pleasure or at least some cuddling. I got maybe a quarter of what I wanted and then a boot right out the front door. Why do I always give out more than I get? I have faith in the word's of my love, John Mayer, "I believe that my life's gonna see The love I give return to me".

Well now that the depressing stuff is over I will tell a little funny story. When I was in college I was in a sorority. My best friend, Jamie, was my roommate in the sorority and we partied ike rock stars. One night we were at a frat party and went to the bathroom together. While we were waiting in line a girl got stuck in one of the stalls. She was whining about not being able to get out and Jamie and I couldn't help but laugh. When it was my turn to go I decided I was going to be funny and tell Jamie that I was stuck in the stall too. Before I could tell Jamie that I was kidding she came to my rescue by karate kicking the door. Unfortunately, I was standing up behind the door and when Jamie kicked it, it hit me in the head and I went flying back onto the toilet. All of my 200 pounds fell onto the toilet seat and cracked it! Imagine a drunk, fat bitch laying on a frat house bathroom floor, laughing her ass off. Now that's some funny shit :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Post

So... my life is random.

That's why I have started this blog. I think it would be fun to chronicle the crazy things that happen to me so that maybe one day when I am down I will look back at these things and cheer myself up.

That being said, I hope to mix a little of my current random experiences in with some of the others that I remember. Of course I am going to protect the innocent by changing names around and such. First things first though...

Who am I?
I am the middle daughter born into a middle class family. Although I have always been overweight, somehow I slowly grew to the size of a house over the past 10 years. I was about a size 12 at my thinnest (in high school) and until I started Weight Watchers last month I was a size 30. Some women may dread being a size 12 but my goal is to get there whether it takes me 10 years to reverse the damage or not.

Why do I have such random things happen to me?
I'm not sure about this one. Right now I think it's because the guys that are attracted to me are broken or something. Also, I have this uncanny ability to draw the randomest people to me. I think it's because I always listen to people and don't like to be mean.

Anyway, my laptop's battery is dying so this is all I am going to write for now. Next time expect at least 2 random stories.